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Le Cakery
136 Products
Joined May 2022
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Korean bread mix 500g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 韩式面包粉
RM 13.91
Elle & Vire Butter Sheet 1kg (sold by pack) Le Cakery Elle & Vire 牛油片
RM 71.07
Valrhona 66% 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery
RM 37.29
Valrhona 70% 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery
RM 39.28
Calletbaut 70.5% 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery
RM 20.09
Calletbaut W2 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery
RM 21.94
Calletbaut 811 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery
RM 16.69
Taiwan Yam paste 500g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 台湾芋泥
RM 29.66
Green pea powder 1kg (sold by pack) Le Cakery 绿豌豆粉
RM 18.44
Roasted peanut powder 1kg (sold by pack) Le Cakery 烤花生粉
RM 18.44
Cherry red 150g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 樱桃红
RM 4.74
Cherry green 150g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 樱桃绿
RM 4.74
Tuiti fruiti green 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Tuiti Fruiti 绿色
RM 2.78
Tuiti fruiti red 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Tuiti Fruiti 红
RM 2.78
Mixed dried fruits 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 混合果干
RM 3.91
Mixed peel 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 混合果皮
RM 4.25
Hawaiian coconut flakes 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 夏威夷椰子片
RM 11.12
Toasted coconut flakes 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 烤椰子片
RM 10.82
Desicated coconut 100g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 椰丝
RM 3.30
Raw Pecan 125g (sold by pack) Le Cakery (生)山核桃
RM 14.63
Raw Brazil nut 200g (sold by pack) Le Cakery (生)巴西坚果
RM 20.09
Raw macadamia 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery (生)澳洲坚果
RM 37.08
Raw Pistachio kernel 125g (sold by pack) Le Cakery (生)开心果仁
RM 19.47
Extra fine almond ground 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 杏仁粉
RM 14.01
Hazelnut ground 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 碎榛子
RM 16.69
Vanhouten cocoa powder 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Vanhouten 可可粉
RM 14.16
Calletbaut cocoa powder 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Calletbaut 可可粉
RM 20.60
Valrhona cocoa powder 200g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Valrhona 可可粉
RM 30.90
Maldon sea salt 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 马尔登海盐
RM 28.63
Taiwan Dried seaweed powder 30g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 台湾海带粉
RM 6.70
poppy seed 50g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 罂粟籽
RM 4.12
Japan Hojicha powder 50g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 日本焙茶粉
RM 16.07
Japan macha powder 20g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 日本抹茶粉
RM 6.18
Taiwan Green tea powder 30g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 台湾绿茶粉
RM 8.91
Purple potato powder 50g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 紫薯粉
RM 7.00
Baking soda 100g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 苏打粉
RM 2.58
Baking powder 50g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 泡打粉/发粉
RM 2.58
Gelatine powder 50g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 吉利丁粉
RM 5.01
Saf-instant yeast 500g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Saf-instant 酵母
RM 16.07
Saf-instant yeast 11g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Saf-instant 酵母
RM 1.24
Mauri-pan instant yeast 11g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Mauri-pan 即食酵母粉
RM 1.24
Hoen kwe mas ajoe(Blue) 85g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 印尼绿豆粉 (蓝色)
RM 2.78
Hoen kwe mas ajoe(green) 85g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 印尼绿豆粉(绿色
RM 2.78
Instant custard 200g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 即溶吉士粉
RM 4.74
Happygrass Soya bean curd powder 80g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Happygrass 豆花粉
RM 4.64
Happygrass Ice jelly powder 50g (sold by pack) Le Cakery Happygrass 果冻粉
RM 5.36
pearl mermaid agar agar powder 10g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 珍珠美人鱼燕菜粉
RM 3.10
corn starch 400g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 玉米淀粉
RM 2.37
Maltose 麥芽糖 350g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 麦芽糖
RM 4.84
Beryls dark compond chocolate coin 1kg (sold by pack) Le Cakery Beryls 深色复合巧克力硬币
RM 18.54
Vanhouten dark compound chocolate coin 1kg (sold by pack) Le Cakery Vanhouten 黑巧克力硬币
RM 18.54
dark chocolate chips 200g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 黑巧克力片
RM 4.64
white chocolate chips 200g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 白巧克力片
RM 4.64
butterscotch chips 200g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 奶油糖果片
RM 5.15
dark chocolate flakes 250g (sold by pack) Le Cakery 黑巧克力片
RM 11.59
kara coconut cream 200ml (sold by pack) Le Cakery 卡拉椰浆
RM 3.61
golden churn canned 340g (sold by tin) Le Cakery 黄金桶罐裝奶油
RM 29.87
Anchor tinned pure butter 454g (sold by tin) Le Cakery 安佳铁罐牛油
RM 21.90
Fruttose blueberry 595g (sold by tin) Le Cakery 果糖蓝莓
RM 19.06
fruttose mango 610g (sold by tin) Le Cakery 果糖芒果
RM 20.39
Maple syrup sugar free 355ml (sold by pack) Le Cakery 枫糖浆无糖
RM 25.65
Nutella 200g (sold by jar) Le Cakery 巧克力榛子酱
RM 11.32
Premium Brownie Mix 500g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 7.73
Chocolate Cookies Mix 500g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 6.18
Butter Cookies Mix 500g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 4.12
Sponge Cake Mix 500g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 5.56
Crispy Waffle Mix 500g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 6.18
Banana Cake Mix 500g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 5.15
Butter Cake Mix 500g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 5.56
Mauri Chiffon Cake Mix 350g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 5.67
Mauri Chocolate Muffin Mix 350g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 5.67
Mauri Chocolate Sponge Cake Mix 350g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 5.67
Mauri Moist Chocolate Cake Mix 350g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 5.67
Tatua Sour Cream 500g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 22.97
Tatua Mascarpone 500g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 30.20
Elle&Vire Cream Cheese 1kg (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 49.44
Anchor Cream Cheese 1kg (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 43.93
Pauly Cream Cheese 226g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 9.89
Liberty Lane Cream Cheese 227g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 10.20
Bega Cream Cheese 250g (sold per pack) Le Cakery
RM 12.36
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