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Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive

RM 39.88 RM 69.00 42%
Out of Stock
Out of Stock
Delivery Fee
West Malaysia - RM 7.00
East Malaysia - RM 14.40
39 Points

Model : Store 'n' Go Secure Pro
Capacity : 16GB / 32GB / 64GB
USB : USB 3.0
Speed : 4.8Gbps
Warranty : 5Years

Product Information

What's in the box:

1 x Verbatim Flashdrive

Product details of Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive

  • The Verbatim ToughMAX USB 2.0 Drive is made with KyronMAXcompounds, a metal replacement thermoplastic material which is able to withstand seriously punishing conditions and has been used in the most demanding of applications from fighter jets to mountain bikes. KyronMAX compounds are extremely light and tough, making it a wonderful USB enclosure material that will resist virtually everything and keep your data safe from any physical damage.
  • With USB ports in almost every computer and popping up in cars, DVD and multimedia players, TV's, photo frames and more, USB drives are now being considered an essential accessory.

Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive
Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive
Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive
Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive
Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive
Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive
Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive
Verbatim Toughmax USB 3.0 Flash Drive ( 32GB / 64GB) - Water Resistant Pendrive
Shipping Information
ZoneWeightDelivery Fee (RM)
West MalaysiaFirst 1.00 kg7.00
Extra 1.00 kg1.30
East MalaysiaFirst 1.00 kg14.40
Extra 1.00 kg13.00


How much will I pay for shipping and delivery?

The shipping and delivery charges will be displayed in your final order summary, before you proceed to the step of payment issue.

When will I receive my order?

From each of our product description page, you are able to see the estimated delivery schedule of that particular product. Most of our product takes 1 – 6 business days for delivery to  most of the major cities in Malaysia ( Penisular ), while delivery to East Malaysia can be take to 3 – 10 business days. Delivery date is much dependent to our courier service provider schedule.

Can I choose the exact time of delivery?

Unfortunately , It is not possible to choose the exact time of delivery as all delivery will be handle by our courier service partners.

Do you deliver everywhere in Malaysia?

Most of the products offered by IT Comp can be delivered anywhere in Malaysia provided the location is reachable within our courier service delivery coverage.

Do you deliver outside of Malaysia?

As for time being, we are only accepting order within Malaysia, we will be considering on expending out of Malaysia order if we foresee there is a major needs.

Do you deliver to my office address?

Yes. Please provide your office address as the delivery address during the check-out process. Remember to indicate the company name in the address, otherwise our delivery partners may not be able to access the premises. To Be Aware, Once your order is placed, you cannot change the delivery address.

What happens if I am not at home when the courier is here to deliver?

When you are not at home you may ask someone else at home to take delivery of the order on your behalf. Please make sure that this person has your ID, or his/her ID, as well as dated and signed letter of authorization from your indicating that you authorize this person to take delivery of IT Comps order on your behalf.

SKYNET Express Website: http://www.skynet.com.my
SKYNET Express Hotline: 03- 7958 2800

** Delivery is only within Malaysia.