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The Sea is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia/ edited by Jaymee Goh & Joyce Chng

RM 27.00
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Product Information
  • editors: Jaymee Goh and Joyce Chng
  • publisher: Gerakbudaya
  • published in: 2016
  • language: English

In The Sea is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia, technological wonder merges with the everyday: children upgrade their fighting spiders with armour and toymakers create punchcard-driven marionettes. The fantastic has always been part of our landscape: large fish lumber across the skies, aswang represent diwata to faraway diplomats, boat people find a new home on the edge of a different dimension. Technology and tradition meld as the people adapt to the changing forces of their world.

Steampunk takes on Southeast Asia in this anthology, infused with the spirits of its diverse peoples, legends, and geography. Delving into local alternate histories, we will introduce you to a dynamic steampunk world quite different from the one you may be familiar with.

The Sea is Ours: Tales of Steampunk Southeast Asia/ edited by Jaymee Goh & Joyce Chng
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