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The Honey Hearts Apple Cider Vinegar Infused with Superior Class Honey 300g | 有机苹果醋 | 天然野蜜糖苹果醋

RM 58.00
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Usually ships within 48 hrs
Delivery Fee
West Malaysia - RM 6.00
East Malaysia - RM 14.30
58 Points
Product Information

Expiry Date: Between 6 to 9 months

TheHoneyHearts bring you Natural Active Honey-infused Apple Cider Vinegar+. Our honey is selected from beehives deep in Malaysia's tropical rainforests. TheHoneyHearts assure that every drop of honey is carefully examined for great taste and high quality.Each bottle is carefully examined for great taste, high quality and product consistency.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV), is a type of vinegar made from cider or apple must and has a pale to medium amber color. With our homemade ACV, it's unpasteurized which contains mother of vinegar.ACV is used in salad dressings, marinades, vinaigrettes, food preservatives, and chutneys, among other things. It is made by crushing apples and squeezing out the liquid. Bacteria and yeast are added to the liquid to start the alcoholic fermentation process, and the sugars are turned into alcohol. In a second fermentation process, the alcohol is converted into vinegar by acetic acid-forming bacteria (acetobacter).Acetic acid and malic acid give vinegar its sour taste.

-It infused Superior Class Honey adds extra health benefits to conventional ACVs.
-ACV infusion with Wild Honey has proven to contain more bioactive properties and contains vitamins and enzymes neccessary for proper digestion and lowering blood sugar levels.
-Helps Nutrient assimilation
-Diabetes Prevention & Control
-Helps Clear Sinuses & Sore Throat Relief
-Soothes Tight & Aching Joints and Sore Muscle Relief from exercising- Can be used as an add-on for juices, Sauces,Salads and more"
- Effective in Helping Weight Loss
- Improves and Stimulates Body Detoxification
-Helps Lower Cholestrol Levels

Recommended Preparation:
2x Teaspoons(10g) of TheHoneyHearts Apple Cider Vinagar with a glass of room temperature water 30 minutes before/after meals.Refrigerate after opening.Shake well before use

100& Apple Cider Vinegar with Superior Wild Jungle Honey 100% CONCENTRATED

Best consumed with 6 months
Refrigerate after opening
Shake well before use


苹果醋(ACV),是一种由苹果酒或苹果制成的醋,并且有一种苍 白到中等的琥珀色。我们自制的 ACV,它含有醋的母亲。可用于沙 拉酱,腌泡汁,香醋,食品防腐剂和酸辣酱等等。它是通过粉碎 苹果和挤出液体。将细菌和酵母加入到液体中以开始酒精发酵过 程,并且将糖转化为醇。在第二发酵过程中,通过乙酸形成细菌 (醋杆菌)将醇转化为醋。醋酸和苹果酸给醋酸味。

- 野蜂蜜泡在苹果醋可增加额外健康益处。
- 它已证明含有更多的生物活性,并含 有维生素和酶,帮助消化和降低血糖水平
- 帮助同化营养素- 可预防与控制糖尿病。
-帮助清除鼻窦和喉咙缓 解
- 舒缓关节和疼痛关节和疼痛肌肉救济从锻炼
- 可以作为一个附加的果汁,酱 汁,沙拉和更多



注意事项 :


The Honey Hearts Apple Cider Vinegar Infused with Superior Class Honey 300g | 有机苹果醋 | 天然野蜜糖苹果醋
Shipping Information
ZoneWeightDelivery Fee (RM)
West MalaysiaFirst 3.00 kg6.00
Extra 1.00 kg2.00
East MalaysiaFirst 0.50 kg14.30
Extra 0.50 kg5.10