Mageline World

Mageline Reverse Time Trial Kit Set B

RM 129.00
Mageline 麦吉丽
Available Now
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Delivery Fee
West Malaysia - FREE Shipping
East Malaysia - FREE Shipping
Australia, New Zealand - RM 159.77
Austria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland, Russia - RM 157.78
Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia - RM 175.10
Rate for other regions/countries
129 Points
  • Mageline Reverse Time Essence is the result of an extensive R&D, where it is formulated to repair damaged skin cells and optimise skin moisture balance for a longer period of time.
  • Like youth in a bottle—this potent and fast-acting pre serum, contains 830,000 plant-based stem cells which helps fight visible signs of aging including lines & wrinkles for a more youthful appearance and penetrates into each layers of skin to repair damaged skin cells.
  • This double award winning pre-serum can visibly & dramatically minimizes multiple signs of aging, skin that is hydrated and dewy round the clock. See a more youthful-looking you: Less lines & wrinkles, even skin tone & plumper, smoother skin.
  • This is all thanks to its Tri-X Cell™ —a breakthrough discovery that allows the skin to drink in moisture for hours on end and keep skin looking radiant and glowing throughout the day.
  • Suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Usage : Mageline Reverse Time Essence is a pre-serum. Recommended to use it day and night after toner, apply 1-2 drops of Reverse Time Essence to the face and massage upward gently, can be applied on the eye areas too. Follow with usual skincare routine i.e. eye cream, serum/essence if any, moisturizer.
  • Mageline Reverse Time Miracle Facial Cream is able to keep your skin looking youthful and healthy‼️It powers up your skin to improve uneven texture and fine lines caused by dryness so you can have youthful, healthy-looking skin. 
  • The ideal anti-aging cream for visibly firming and rejuvenating our delicate skin. Provides an immediate smoothing effect. Day after day, the skin's youthfulness is boosted, wrinkles are visibly reduced, facial contours appear sculpted and features appear refreshed.
  • The complexion is more even, skin radiates beauty. Wrinkles visibly reduced, facial contours appear sculpted, instant smoothing effect, radiance and skin is protected from the harmful effects of pollution
Product Information

What's in the box:

5ml essence + 5g cream

  • Mageline Reverse Time Essence 5ml is the result of an extensive R&D, whereit is formulated to repair damaged skin cells and optimise skin moisture balance for a longer period of time.
  • Like youth in a bottle—this potent and fast-acting pre serum, contains 830,000 plant-based stem cells which helps fight visible signs of aging including lines & wrinkles for a more youthful appearance and penetrates into each layers of skin to repair damaged skin cells.
  • This double award winning pre-serum can visibly & dramatically minimizes multiple signs of aging, skin that is hydrated and dewy round the clock. See a more youthful-looking you: Less lines & wrinkles, even skin tone & plumper, smoother skin.
  • This is all thanks to its Tri-X Cell™—a breakthrough discovery that allows the skin to drink in moisture for hours on end and keep skin looking radiant and glowing throughout the day.
  • Suitable for all skin types including sensitive skin, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Usage : Mageline Reverse Time Essence is a pre-serum. Recommended to use it day and night after toner, apply 1-2 drops of Reverse Time Essence to the face and massage upward gently, can be applied on the eye areas too. Follow with usual skincare routine i.e. eye cream, serum/essence if any, moisturizer.
  • Mageline Reverse Time Miracle Facial Cream 5g is able to keep your skin looking youthful and healthy‼️It powers up your skin to improve uneven texture and fine lines caused by dryness so you can have youthful, healthy-looking skin.
  • The ideal anti-aging cream for visibly firming and rejuvenating our delicate skin. Provides an immediate smoothing effect. Day after day, the skin's youthfulness is boosted, wrinkles are visibly reduced, facial contours appear sculpted and features appear refreshed.
  • The complexion is more even, skin radiates beauty.Wrinkles visibly reduced, facial contours appear sculpted, instant smoothing effect, radiance and skin is protected from the harmful effects of pollution
麦吉丽逆时光精华肌底液日晒、熬夜、辐射侵害, 肌肤时刻处于“高压期”, 肌底发出的SOS信号,你Get到了吗?滑动对应困扰,解锁保鲜“肌密”. 多年科研成果,独家抗老黑科技, 麦吉丽逆时光精华肌底液, C位出道麦吉丽小银管,一周见证肌肤细腻饱满, 鲜活直达肌底,滴滴修护年轻, 肌肤抗老专利黑科技Tri-X Cell™, 不含防腐剂, 平衡肌底微生态,更鲜活更紧致. 高效抗氧化,提亮肤色,修复受损细胞,促进胶原蛋白再生, 淡化干细纹和皱纹,维稳修护,增强皮肤屏障,提升肌肤自身修护力,抗衰,抗敏,抗污,抗暗沉,紧致,加强细胞新陈代谢,多方位解决肌肤问题,高效温和鲜活直达肌底,滴滴修护年轻肌肤饱满弹润有光泽. 安瓶浓缩卓效修护, 每瓶约83万个植物干细胞提取微粒, 灯光下肉眼可见,滴滴深入养护.
麦吉丽护肤精华大使 #张柏芝, 邀你一起迹龄而上,尽享素颜之美女神张柏芝挚爱之选,麦吉丽小银管肌底精华, 早晚使用,每瓶可用一周, 确保周周新鲜,每周肌肤更年轻, 安瓶浓缩卓效修护, 鲜活直达肌底,渗透性强,超小分子,一滴就可以推满全脸, 使用后清爽不油腻, 超清爽好吸收,瞬间提亮肤色, 滴滴修护年轻, 令肌肤弹性,嫩滑,有光泽,有效改善干纹细纹暗黄等问题。 它是水漾质地肌底液,流动性超强,轻拍上脸2秒钟就吸收了,闻起来有一股淡淡的香。
1周见证肌肤逆时光改变. 28天,紧致光滑度明显提升. 1抹沁润直达肌底, 清爽易吸收,温和, 持久丰润保湿, 细腻饱满触手可得, 各种肤质适用,肌肤敏感修复, 红血丝淡化, 痘痘减少, 修复痘印.麦吉丽逆时光奇迹面霜想要享受岁月静好,但又逃不过岁月痕迹?年龄增长、频繁熬夜、环境污染、紫外线、压力等因素, 让肌肤每天都在加速衰老!这款面霜被称为“逆龄面霜”,丰润柔滑的质地,蕴含驻颜小分子肽和龙血提取物等多种珍贵抗老成分,高渗透性多肽胶束能够直达肌底精确修护肌肤微损伤,抚润干纹、细纹. 突破性提拉机制,帮助提升肌肤弹力并紧致面部轮廓,改善肌肤松弛、粗糙、暗淡无光等问题,弹、紧、亮、润、透,五重逆龄焕变。全新麦吉丽逆时光奇迹面霜, 采用核心智囊多肽科技, 多种复合精华成分, 明晰年轻轮廓,精确修护时光印记 - 弹润、紧致、提拉、淡纹、匀亮, 五重逆龄焕变,每一面,都更年轻!驻颜小分子肽,突破性提拉机制1、促进胶原蛋白合成,肌肤紧致有弹性2、防止胶原蛋白降解,肌肤饱满无细纹五重逆龄焕变,每一面更年轻 1. 弹 - 淡化皱纹,抵御岁月侵蚀,肌肤日益弹润饱满2. 紧 - 全面上扬面部轮廓,筑造紧实柔滑肌肤3. 亮 - 改善老化肌肤,横扫肌肤黯黄,匀亮肤色 4. 润 - 由内而外深层润泽,为肌肤建立水润通道5. 透 - 抵御氧化侵袭,对抗自由基,透现鲜活光泽柔润乳霜质地 触肤即融, 淡粉色的乳霜质地,滋润不黏腻, 延展性佳,高渗透性易吸收, 如天鹅绒般触肤即融.
Mageline Reverse Time Trial Kit Set B
Mageline Reverse Time Trial Kit Set B
Mageline Reverse Time Trial Kit Set B
Mageline Reverse Time Trial Kit Set B
Mageline Reverse Time Trial Kit Set B
Mageline Reverse Time Trial Kit Set B
Mageline Reverse Time Trial Kit Set B
Mageline Reverse Time Trial Kit Set B
Shipping Information
ZoneWeightDelivery Fee (RM)
West MalaysiaFirst 10.00 kgFREE Shipping
East MalaysiaFirst 10.00 kgFREE Shipping
Australia, New ZealandFirst 1.00 kg159.77
Extra 0.50 kg52.65
Austria, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Switzerland, RussiaFirst 1.00 kg157.78
Extra 0.50 kg34.31
Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, MongoliaFirst 1.00 kg175.10
Extra 0.50 kg87.14
Belgium,France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, U.KFirst 1.00 kg150.94
Extra 0.50 kg30.46
ChinaFirst 1.00 kg96.44
Extra 0.50 kg25.35
Bangladesh, Brazil, Iraq, Pakistan, Qatar, S.Arabia, UAE, Sri LankaFirst 1.00 kg118.52
Extra 0.50 kg24.96
South AfricaFirst 1.00 kg118.52
Extra 0.50 kg24.96
PhilippinesFirst 1.00 kg91.42
Extra 0.50 kg15.29
Canada, United States, MexicoFirst 1.00 kg162.58
Extra 0.50 kg35.90
Hong KongFirst 1.00 kg80.63
Extra 0.50 kg29.06
IndiaFirst 1.00 kg113.30
Extra 0.50 kg22.28
IndonesiaFirst 1.00 kg107.35
Extra 0.50 kg24.87
JapanFirst 1.00 kg112.97
Extra 0.50 kg35.03
MacauFirst 1.00 kg92.93
Extra 0.50 kg13.82
SingaporeFirst 1.00 kg74.75
Extra 0.50 kg21.49
TaiwanFirst 1.00 kg94.42
Extra 0.50 kg34.76
ThailandFirst 1.00 kg94.10
Extra 0.50 kg28.25
VietnamFirst 1.00 kg98.94
Extra 0.50 kg14.34