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Lemon (10ml)

RM 43.90
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Product Information

Lemon Organic, Citrus limonum, has a fresh, clean, sharp fragrance which is one of the most popular world-wide. The oil is an important addition to any natural first-aid kit due to its antibacterial, and antiseptic properties. It gives helpful respiratory and immune support, and is also useful as a digestive, circulatory and skin support. It can be added to a diffuser or water mister to freshen a sickroom. A great oil for your de-tox programme and to help fight that battle against cellulite! Lemon has a refreshing and uplifting effect on the psyche, and promotes mental clarity. Lemon Organic is a pure therapeutic quality certified organic aromatherapy essential oil from Italy, obtained from the peel of the fruit.

Suggested usage: Immune supportive, constipation, weight management, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, depression, wrinkles and blemishes, brown spots, pigmentation, warts.

Please note:
Lemon is photosensitizing. When used on skin, even in dilution, do not expose your skin to direct sunlight for several hours afterwards, so as to avoid pigment spots.


Lemon (10ml)
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