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Kiku-Masamune Skin Care Bright Moist Lotion (500ml)

RM 36.00 RM 46.90 23%
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West Malaysia - RM 6.50
East Malaysia - RM 10.00
36 Points
Product Information

the popular kiku-masamune sake brewing skin care lotion ticks all the important large format lotions boxes - freshening, toning, and hydrating.

Additionally, it soothes, mildly brightens, feels weightless, absorbs quickly even during Japan's muggy summer days, and it does all off this for the price of a Starbucks venti-sized Frappuccino.

Some of these lotions seems to be rather drying once the effects have worn off, while others don't absorb well and feel sticky in hot, humid climate;

Kiku-masamune version is lightly hydrating and keeps the skin nicely freshened.

(this also comes in an alcohol-free High Moist formula that's a lot more hydrating.

I can see why some people might prefer it, but it doesn't freshen the skin nor absrob well in hot weather.

This smells of sake, but it should come as absolutely no surprise to you as

1) It's produced by a famed sake brewery

2) It contained dry sake

3) It's in the product name ! for those who are worried about smelling like a drunkard, the sake smell has touch of floral and it doesn't linger once the lotion is applied.

I use a saturated cotton pad and very gently swipe it all over, taking it across the face and neck in the morningn as a ''cleansing water'' and lotion in one. It's soothing and replenishing and provides the refreshment that i need in thi muggy summer season. It also refreshens and rehydrates extremely well if you spray it over make up (decant it into a smell spray bottle)

【跨境转运】 cosme美妆大赏 菊正宗日本酒化妆水爽肤水 500ml

菊正酵母萃取 促进肌肤新陈代谢

产品名称:菊正宗 日本酒清酒化妆水

化妆品品类: 爽肤水

规格类型: 正常规格化妆品

净含量: 500ml

适合肤质: 任何肤质

品牌: 菊正宗品名: 日本酒清酒化妆水

是否为特殊用途化妆品: 否

功效: 补水 控油 舒缓清爽肌肤

customer review / comment:

=> 如果对酒精不过敏的话,油皮用着挺好的,不干也不腻,关键是平价大碗。

=> 这个会感觉皮肤滑滑的,正品,味道像米酒一样很好闻,而且不刺激

=> 味道好闻(酒香味),不贵好大一瓶,不油腻,补水效果也挺好!用起来挺舒服的 , 挺不错的

=> 满满的一大瓶,第一天用就有种皮肤嫩了点的感觉,吸收挺好的,刚开始会觉得好像黏黏的,过一会儿就不会了,很清爽,期待湿敷效果!

=> 用了一段时间才来评论的。用着感觉还不错,刚涂上去黏黏的,过一会儿就好。就是有时候一泵按下去太多会喷出来。要用化妆棉比较好。

=> 很好用,很大一瓶,用了也不心疼! 做完面膜后脸水嫩滑滑的

=> 有一股米酒的味道 我个人挺喜欢这个味道的

Kiku-Masamune Skin Care Bright Moist Lotion (500ml)
Kiku-Masamune Skin Care Bright Moist Lotion (500ml)
Kiku-Masamune Skin Care Bright Moist Lotion (500ml)
Shipping Information
ZoneWeightDelivery Fee (RM)
West MalaysiaFirst 5.00 kg6.50
Extra 1.00 kg2.00
East MalaysiaFirst 1.00 kg10.00
Extra 0.50 kg5.00