Limited to one redemption per user during the campaign period.
This voucher is valid for all products EXCEPT for Mobile Reload & Gift Voucher.
Voucher is applicable for Youbeli mobile app checkouts only.
Youbeli mobile app is available in Play store & App store (App: Youbeli).
Voucher is not refundable, non-transferable, not redeemable for cash and cannot be resold.
Applicable to all items EXCEPT for mobile reload.
The promotion is based on first-come-first-serve or while stocks last basis.
Youbeli reserves the right to alter, cancel, terminate or suspend the promotion any part thereof or any part of the applicable terms & conditions from time to time, with or without any prior notice.
Contact Youbeli customer service hotline at 1 800 88 2354 to report any issues pertaining to the usage of thispromo.