这期的专题是由陈玉雯撰写的'醒狮出平阳——马来西亚狮艺的复兴与拓展'。我国的舞狮在国际上享有名誉,提起舞狮,必会想到本土狮艺的推手萧斐弘师父。萧师父特别注重道德与纪律 他强调唯有良好的品德,才能让根基更扎实,狮艺之路才能走得更稳更远。1986年他开始提倡舞狮“八德”教育,即忠、正、毅、勇、智、诚、和、礼,并积极推广甚至传杨国际。
除此之外,还有多篇由本地学者及在籍学生的文章。这是本地难得的作品,要多多支持。售价一本 RM12(免平邮邮费)。
This is the newly published 'Xue Wen', it's Malaysian cultural & historical biannual magazine. You may be familiar with the cover page photo... it's Malacca Calligraphy Wall, it was painted in year 2012 Malaysian Chinese Cultural Festival, the event organizer, Mr. Zeng Zhi Zhao will tell you the story behind this wall.
The main topic of this issue is 'The Revival & Prospects of Malaysian Lion Dance Art'. On top of that, there are many other articles by local scholars & students. This is rarely found local publication, do support.
Do you know that in 80's, lion dance is under controlled performance? According to Mr. Zhou Fu Zhao who involved in lion dance since end of 70's, "Years back, to apply permit for performing lion dance during Chinese New Year, you have to apply one from each every police station in all areas involved. Hence, for every performance, have to bring out lots of permits in hand".
Knowing history, you will appreciate what you have. Without preservance, you won't see results as of today. Learn this spirit from history, don't give up in facing hurdles.
Selling price is RM12/copy (include surface mail postage).
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