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Organic Scent- 藕根香活力菩提精力汤Linden Living Soup

RM 336.00
No Brand
Available Now
Usually ships within 48 hrs
Delivery Fee
West Malaysia - RM 8.00
East Malaysia - RM 50.00
336 Points
Product Information
活力菩提精力汤Linden Living Soup ☞含丰富的植物营养素, 是公认调理体质最佳选择! Linden Living Soup has been created in accordance with the principle of a natural organic diet that using natural, unpolluted ingredients and high technologies to provide the highest value in natural food. Linden Living Soup is rich in protein, minerals, vitamin B complex and fibre. This product is 100% whole food and vegan food Main ingredient Mixed vegetable,roots and nuts. Country of Origin TAIWAN 产品特色: 1、本品为美国自然医学学会推荐,以多种深色 根茎蔬菜及营养坚果干燥后,再以高科技冷冻研磨、熟化、干燥而成。纯植物配方,饱含大地能量及营养,并富含蛋白质、矿物质、维生素B群、膳食纤维及植物性胶原蛋白。素食可用! 2、特別添加菩提叶,有舒缓情绪的效果,可舒解紧张、帮助入睡、促进肠道蠕动及新陈代谢。是忙碌现代人生活的最佳补给!素食可用。 制作成份: 蓝藻、菩提、燕麦、菠菜、牛蒡、高丽菜、花椰菜、胡萝卜、麦苗、山药、南瓜子、杏仁、黑芝麻、莲子、核桃、芡实、大豆卵磷脂、莲叶、白鹤灵芝草、大豆蛋白、亚麻仁籽。
Organic Scent- 藕根香活力菩提精力汤Linden Living Soup
Shipping Information
ZoneWeightDelivery Fee (RM)
West MalaysiaFirst 3.00 kg6.00
Extra 1.00 kg2.00
East MalaysiaFirst 0.50 kg14.30
Extra 0.50 kg5.10