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RM 40.00
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Usually ships within 3-7 days
Delivery Fee
West Malaysia - RM 7.20
East Malaysia - RM 15.00
中國 China - RM 95.00
香港 Hong Kong - RM 85.00
台灣 Taiwan - RM 85.00
Rate for other regions/countries
FREE Shipping
FREE Shipping to West Malaysia on orders over RM70.00
FREE Shipping to East Malaysia on orders over RM120.00
40 Points
Product Information
  • Poka & Mine: Le football
  • 作者:凱蒂.克羅瑟(Kitty Crowthe)
  • 譯者:尉遲秀
  • 繪者:凱蒂.克羅瑟(Kitty Crowthe)
  • 出版社:步步
  • 出版日期:2019/07
  • 語言:繁體中文


凱蒂.克羅瑟(Kitty Crowther)

1970年出生於比利時,父親是英國人,母親是瑞典人。天生聽覺障礙,因此對視覺、色彩及影像特別敏銳。大學專攻造型藝術,1994 年出版第一本繪本,從此開啟創作之路。她敏銳的觀察,以及獨特的敘事風格,創造出一個專屬的繪本世界,她的作品被形容「同時結合大人和小孩」。至今已有三十多本作品,獲獎無數,2009年得到法國巴歐巴童書獎最佳繪本,隔年2010年更獲得兒童文學界的大獎林格倫獎。







Shipping Information
ZoneOrder Total (RM)Delivery Fee (RM)
West MalaysiaAbove 70.00FREE Shipping
East MalaysiaAbove 120.00FREE Shipping
ZoneWeightDelivery Fee (RM)
West MalaysiaFirst 1.00 kg7.20
Extra 1.00 kg2.00
East MalaysiaFirst 1.00 kg15.00
Extra 0.50 kg6.00
中國 ChinaFirst 1.00 kg95.00
Extra 0.50 kg20.00
香港 Hong KongFirst 1.00 kg85.00
Extra 0.50 kg15.00
台灣 TaiwanFirst 1.00 kg85.00
Extra 0.50 kg15.00
新加坡 SingaporeFirst 1.00 kg50.00
Extra 0.50 kg10.00

Shipping Policy

When will I receive my order?
After you have successfully placed your order, Moontree will conduct a verification process and update you as soon as possible by email.
After your order is verified, you can expect to receive your order within the following time frame:
In West Malaysia: 1 - 6 working days (except Sunday and holidays)
In East Malaysia: 3 - 10 working days (except Sunday and holidays)
Note:Your tracking number will be available on the courier tracking site in the next 24 hours, as the item has only just been shipped.

Can I pre-arrange/schedule the date of my delivery?
We regret to inform you that we are unable to schedule deliveries.

Do you deliver during weekends and holidays?
Unfortunately,our courier partners are unable to deliver during weekends or public holidays.Please expect to receive your parcel on working days only.

How can I know exact date and time of the delivery?
We are unable to provide you with an exact date and time of the delivery. Delivery times are influenced by product availability, your shipping destination and the courier partner's delivery schedule in your location.