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About Us

‖ Brand · Philosophy ‖

TEHO is premium tea platform founded by a group of tea lover. We are passionate about tea and we hope to share excitement that every single cup of tea got to offer.

Production of any kind of tea is combined effort of tea farmers, harvesters and tea processors. And of course processing of tea alone is impossible without tea leaves cultivation under right climates and fertile soils. Thus good quality tea is only possible with blessings from Mother Nature and hardworking tea producers. The story behind every single tea is inspirational. This has certainly motivated us wanting to promote more about tea especially tea leaves produced by great tea producers.

Let's start enjoy [TEH O] and taste the goodness of premium tea. A great day start today!

‖ Brand · Features ‖

We TEHO sample vast amount of samples from time to time. We strictly select and only stock high quality tea leaves from specific region and season.

We TEHO update any information about tea periodically. Together with other tea lovers in exploring endless tea knowledge and discovery.

"The is such thing as the best tea, only tea each to their own." 

We also handpick our tea stock depending on relevant tea characteristics and their attributes. From there, we can then recommend specific tea to suit personal taste bud as well as health condition.

