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Prodibio Coral Vits

RM 75.00
Available Now
Usually ships within 3-7 days
Delivery Fee
West Malaysia - RM 15.00
East Malaysia - RM 30.00
75 Points
Product Information

What's in the box:

1xProdibio Coral Vits

Coral_Vits information

  • Providesall the vitaminsneeded for optimalgrowthanddevelopmentoffish and corals.
  • Coral_Vits usethe patented Neogoutte technologyto include in a same vialwater-soluble vitaminsandlipophilic vitamins.
  • Vitamis aregradualyreleased into the aquarium.
  • Coral_Vitsaccelerates tissue repair and reduces stress.
  • Can be added at the same time as Reef Booster in orderto help their optimal growth.
  • Corals, fish and invertebrates are animals, and as such they are unable to synthesize all the vitamins they need, at least in sufficient quantities. Therefore, they must besupplemented by the food, even for photosynthetic organisms.

When should Coral_Vits be used?

  • During the differentsteps of coral propagationin the recifal aquarium.
  • regularlyto provideto coral'svitamins needed for good their good development..
  • Insynergyevery 15 days ifCoral_Vits is associated toReef Booster.

How to use Coral_Vits?

The volume of water indicated in the table below is the volume of water to be treated.

What Volume? What Range? What Quantity?
121 200 liters Standard 1 vial/ 15 days
201 400 liters Standard 2 vials / 15 days
401 600 liters Standard 3 vials / 15 days
601 800 liters Standard 4 vials / 15 days
801 1 000 liters Standard 5 vials / 15days
1 001 2 000 liters Pro 1 vial/ 15days
2 001 4 000 liters Pro 2 vials / 15 days
4 001 ... ... .. liters Pro 3 vials / 15 days
Prodibio Coral Vits
Prodibio Coral Vits
Prodibio Coral Vits
Shipping Information
ZoneWeightDelivery Fee (RM)
West MalaysiaFirst 1.00 kg15.00
Extra 1.00 kg2.00
East MalaysiaFirst 1.00 kg30.00
Extra 1.00 kg20.00