
Music Theory for Young Musicians : Study Notes with Exercises for ABRSM Theory Exams (Grade 2), ISBN 9789671000328

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Title: Music Theory for Young Musicians : Study Notes with Exercises for ABRSM Theory Exams (Grade 2)
ISBN: 9789671000328

The Music Theory for Young Musicians series is a colorful and imaginative set of books that covers all aspects of the ABRSM theory syllabus for Grades 1--5. With one book per grade, assigning theory lessons for your students couldn't be easier. The new revised edition of the Grade 2 book contains a step-by-step guide for each concept, then general exercises for the evaluation and reinforcement of these concepts, and finally some sample test papers so you can be certain of success before entering your student.
Music Theory for Young Musicians : Study Notes with Exercises for ABRSM Theory Exams (Grade 2), ISBN 9789671000328
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