Special price daily at RM 1 only from 12/12/2021 - 31/12/2021
First successful user to purchase, will entitled to get the product at RM 1.
Don't worry if you didn't manage to get the item, EVERYDAY RM1 activity will run daily, just wait patiently for Youbeli push notification to broadcast.
How it works?
Youbeli push notification will broadcast RM 1 deal at a random time every day till 31st December 2021.
First user who successful make the payment will be bringing home the item at RM1.
Note: The faster you purchase, the higher chance of you getting the item at RM1.
Top up your Youbeli wallet for faster check out.
Enable Youbeli push notification from your device to receive EVERYDAY RM1 deals notice.
Make sure to have stable Wi-Fi/data connection to ensure smooth check out.
Terms & Conditions:
This activity is only valid for Youbeli Member, in order to participate in EVERYDAY RM1 activity.
First user to make the successful payment, will be entitle to get the product at RM1.
Winner will be announced on Youbeli Facebook post.