- Maximum discount capped at RM 11.
- Only applicable to Razer Pay users only.
- No minimum purchase.
- This voucher cannot be combined with other vouchers.
- Limited to 1 time redemption per user.
- Valid for all items in Youbeli except Mobile Reload & e-vouchers.
How to redeem it?
Step 1: Add to Cart any products
Step 2: Click "Checkout" > Click "Continue"
Step 3: Apply code "RAZERPAY11" in "Cash Voucher" box
Step 4: Choose "Mobile Wallet" as Payment Method > Click "RazerPay" > Click "Continue"
Last Step: Click "Confirm Order"
步骤 1: 把商品“加入购物车”
步骤 2: 点击 "结账" > 点击 "继续"
步骤 3: 在“折扣优惠”,输入 "RAZERPAY11"
步骤 4: 选择 "电子钱包" > 选者 "RazerPay" > 点击 "Continue"
步骤 6: 点击 "确认订单"