- Valid for all Health & Beauty category products in Youbeli, except Shocking Sale Products
- This voucher discount at RM 12 with minimum purchase RM 99
- This voucher valid to NEW members only
- This voucher is valid from 20th Oct - 31st Oct 2020
- The promotion is based on first-come-first-serve or while stocks last basis.
- The voucher is for one-time redemption per Youbeli user only.
- Youbeli reserves the right to alter, cancel, terminate or suspend the promotion any part thereof or any part of the applicable terms & conditions from time to time, with or without any prior notice.
- Contact Youbeli customer service at 1-800-88-2354 to report any issues pertaining to the usage of this promo
How to redeem it?
Step 1: Add to Cart any "Healthy & Beauty" product
Step 2: Click "Checkout" > Click "Continue"
Step 3: Key in code "BEAUTY12"
Step 4: Choose your Payment Method > Click "Continue"
Lact Step: Click "Confirm Order"