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《在那光明的季节里》——1971年香港銀星藝術團吉隆坡賑災義演始末(附原聲唱片光碟) In The Season of Light -- The Story of 1971 The Movie Star Arts Troupe (Hong Kong) Charity Performance for Kuala Lumpur Flood Relief (with Soundtrack CD)

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2014年是马中建交40週年,不过,别遗漏了一段促成后来成果之历史前缘。40多年前,马中建交前曾有一项民间外交活动,即是1971年初,在吉隆坡国家室內体育馆举行的「香港银星艺术团」的賑灾义演。 1971年1月適逢吉隆坡发生了空前大水灾,雪州13个华校校友会联合发起賑灾活动,这场义演是重要活动之一。这场义演,盛况空前,轰动全国,为后来的建交和国內的健康文娱活动,带来了一定的影响。



2014 is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic between Malaysia & China , however, do not miss out a prior event that contribute to this diplomatic. 40 plus years ago, there is a nongovernmental diplomatic activity between Malaysia & China, that is in the early 1971 , the Movie Star Arts Troupe (Hong Kong) Charity was invited to perform in the National Indoor Stadium in Kuala Lumpur as to raise fund for flood relief. In January 1971, the unprecedented floods occurred in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor 13 Chinese School Alumni Association jointly carried out relief activities, this charity performance is one of the important activities. This charity performance had drawn attention of many Malaysians, it is indeed influenced the later establishment of diplomatic relations and national health recreational activities.
For youngsters who did not experience this event, this is an activity merely related to a history of the local Chinese community . However, those elders who had participated in it, this would be much different to them, it is an unforgettable memory. Reading through the book of text and photographs , meanwhile listening to those live performance songs, it brings the reader back to those old days.

(Herewith attached a song in the CD, a song by Shi Hui "Lark, you are the wonderful singer ." )

编著: 黄琦旺
出版日期: 2014年12月31日 初版
ISBN: 9789671263822


代序 / 赵燊儒

第一章 缘起
1. 大水灾及新外交政策
2. 银星艺术团赈灾义演

第二章 接洽单位和过程
第一节 尊孔校友会及雪州华校校友会成立义演委员会
第二节 校友会破天荒力邀香港左翼演员银星艺术团为义演筹募
第三节 丹斯里颜德尧及李引桐牵引与中国当局商议委派长凤新艺
第四节 中国领导人支持、内政部连同首相府磋商后批准

第三章 定期与工作的展开
第一节 定期演出
第二节 银艺团员们
第三节 迟迟未进行的票务

第四章 抵达后
第一节 搭建舞台-彩排
第二节 湖滨大宴
第三节 谒见首相敦拉萨

第五章 银星艺术团于国家室内体育馆的演出(3月24日-4月1日)
第一节 虚怀若谷的艺术团——在死水中投下的石子
第二节 3月24日起八场演出 争相买票 座无虚席
第三节 银星艺术团的高端艺术表演
第四节 返港——我们之间友谊的开端

第六章 反响和意义
1. 马中建交前夕的文化使者
2. 意识的国土
3. 银星总结了一个时代,又掀起的另一时代的“爱国意识”

银星廿世纪最轰动的民办艺术演出 / 杜志昌
香港输出“文革”艺术团 / 谢诗坚
记银星艺术团来马义演大小事 / 许博义
马中建交影星艺术团义演引契机 / 李云祯

代序全文可浏览 http://feather-gift-shop.blogspot.my/2015/10/blog-post_26.html

《在那光明的季节里》——1971年香港銀星藝術團吉隆坡賑災義演始末(附原聲唱片光碟) In The Season of Light -- The Story of 1971 The Movie Star Arts Troupe (Hong Kong) Charity Performance for Kuala Lumpur Flood Relief (with Soundtrack CD)
《在那光明的季节里》——1971年香港銀星藝術團吉隆坡賑災義演始末(附原聲唱片光碟) In The Season of Light -- The Story of 1971 The Movie Star Arts Troupe (Hong Kong) Charity Performance for Kuala Lumpur Flood Relief (with Soundtrack CD)
《在那光明的季节里》——1971年香港銀星藝術團吉隆坡賑災義演始末(附原聲唱片光碟) In The Season of Light -- The Story of 1971 The Movie Star Arts Troupe (Hong Kong) Charity Performance for Kuala Lumpur Flood Relief (with Soundtrack CD)
《在那光明的季节里》——1971年香港銀星藝術團吉隆坡賑災義演始末(附原聲唱片光碟) In The Season of Light -- The Story of 1971 The Movie Star Arts Troupe (Hong Kong) Charity Performance for Kuala Lumpur Flood Relief (with Soundtrack CD)
《在那光明的季节里》——1971年香港銀星藝術團吉隆坡賑災義演始末(附原聲唱片光碟) In The Season of Light -- The Story of 1971 The Movie Star Arts Troupe (Hong Kong) Charity Performance for Kuala Lumpur Flood Relief (with Soundtrack CD)
《在那光明的季节里》——1971年香港銀星藝術團吉隆坡賑災義演始末(附原聲唱片光碟) In The Season of Light -- The Story of 1971 The Movie Star Arts Troupe (Hong Kong) Charity Performance for Kuala Lumpur Flood Relief (with Soundtrack CD)
《在那光明的季节里》——1971年香港銀星藝術團吉隆坡賑災義演始末(附原聲唱片光碟) In The Season of Light -- The Story of 1971 The Movie Star Arts Troupe (Hong Kong) Charity Performance for Kuala Lumpur Flood Relief (with Soundtrack CD)
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